Human PBMC cells with Productive V-J Spanning Pair

15000 human PBMC cells were used in a standard experiment.
The library were generated using MobiCube V(D)J v1.0 kit and sequencing on illumina NovaSeq 6000 using paired end 150.
Analysis was followed by default parameters in MobiVision V2.1.

Human PBMC V(D)J chain UMI counts

Estimated Number of Cells 1013
Median IGH UMIs per Cell 10.0
Median IGK UMIs per Cell 21.0
Median IGL UMIs per Cell 22.0
Estimated Number of Cells 2700
Median TRA UMIs per Cell 3.0
Median TRB UMIs per Cell 6.0


文件 大小
IG Result (1.3MB, .rar)
TR Result (1.5MB, .rar)
report-view (3.8MB, .html)
fastq (11G, .zip)